For at least six weeks Violet has told everyone with ears that she wants a Bouncin' Babbles for Christmas. I'm serious - anyone who has passed within six feet of us has heard about Bouncin' Babbles. This morning she says, "Mommy, I don't want a Bouncin' Babbles after all."
Me: "But if Santa brought it to you anyway, you'd love her, right?"
V: in abject horror, as if I'd suggested she eat her own arm, "Nooooooooo!"
WTF? I was so excited - she's the only one of the three that I absolutely knew was going to have an awesome Christmas morning. Now what? She's still getting the damn doll and Santa's going to have Hot Bourbon Milk Punch with his cookies.
It’s SAT Time
3 days ago
You crack me up! So what happened when she opened the gift?