I was laying in bed listening to the deep breath sounds of my husband sleeping, feeling a little resentful at how he falls asleep almost as soon as the lights go out. Thoughts of tomorrow's activities, chores and errands were running through my head. Finally I drifted off to sleep...only to have the frigging phone ring at 11:34pm. Husband answered but no one was there.
I snuggled back into the covers, but that late-night-unexpected-phone-call adrenaline rush was too much for me - plus, I was listening once again to the deep breath sounds of my husband sleeping, feeling totally annoyed.
Usually I keep the ringer turned off on the phone in our room, but we learned our lesson about that a month or so ago. Lorelei was spending the night with a friend and got sick at 2:30am - they called and called us, but the ringer was off and the cell phones were downstairs. We didn't wake up until they were beating down the door.
And now it is 12:48am. I already played my Scrabble words on five of the six games I have going on Facebook. Yes, I know, it's an affliction. I am totally going to regret being up this late tomorrow - or later today, I guess. Should I go back to bed and see if sleep will find me? Or should I just watch Parenthood on the DVR? Decisions decisions.
Hope and Holocaust Stories
5 weeks ago